
SKN to Beat Marine Litter and Micro Plastics Pollution

The first meeting of the Ad hoc Open-ended Expert Group on Marine Litter and Micro plastics established by the United Nations Environment Assembly of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Nairobi, Kenya was conducted from Tuesday 29th – Thursday 31st May 2018. The representative from St. Kitts and Nevis was Tricia Greaux, MMA and Habitat Monitoring Officer -Department of Marine Resources.

Tuesday 29 May, the Permanent Mission of Mexico to UNEP currently chairs the Group of Latin America and the Caribbean (GRULAC) also met to determine which country would serve as the representative of the GRULAC. Columbia received an overwhelming vote to be selected as the Co-Chair of the Ad hoc Open-ended Expert Group on Marine Litter and Micro plastics.

The #BeatPlasticPollution campaign that was also promoted during the conference. Delegates were encouraged to use their social media platforms, personal and professional, to promote the message of reducing single use plastic.

The delegate would lend her expertise to the organizing of the 2nd annual St. Kitts and Nevis Plastic Free July month of activities to further spread the message #BeatPlasticPollution on a national level.

Exert from the position paper presented from St. Kitts and Nevis’ delegate

St. Kitts and Nevis should be described as a large oceanic state as its marine space exceeds the land mass by a significant acreage. Therefore, pollutants within the marine environment are of dire concern to the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis.
As the Officer responsible for Marine Management Area and Habitat Monitoring, I have observed a number of major barriers to combating marine litter and micro plastics include the lack of access to recycling plants on a national, regional or international level and the need for a national level ban on plastic with an effective transition and implementation process that will ensure nationwide buy in and compliance. Also the lack of proper legislation, regulations, policies and enforcement of issues surrounding marine litter and micro plastics as well as high tariffs on imported sustainable alternatives to plastics. There is also a noted lack of awareness of what marine litter and micro plastics are and the effects of their presence within the seas and oceans.

Respond Rebuild Recover

The Department of Marine Resources (DMR) has taken part in collaborated activities with Ministry of Tourism under the theme, “Good For Us, Better For All.” In observance of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, the Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) and the St. Kitts Ministry of Tourism organised a Climate Smart Sustainable Tourism Forum 2017, to promote sustainable ability practices and enhance the climate resiliency of the Caribbean Tourism. The forum was held at Ocean Terrace Inn (OTI) from 11th-14th December, 2017 bringing together local regional and international representatives from public and private sector tourism entities, as well as development agencies that offer programming in sustainable tourism.

Interactively engaging practices of sharing in building climate sensitive and sustainable Caribbean tourism products, practical workshops, experiential field visits and the presentation ceremony for CTO’s 2017 Sustainable Tourism Awards. The CSSTF 2017 initiative, aims to strengthen holistic destination management approaches in the Caribbean. The forum addressed major sessions to include:

Leading The Way – Destination St. Kittstackling common issues for Small Island Developing States and created truly sustainable solutions to maintain this balance.

Speakers on this session were: Carlene Henry-Morton – Permanent Secretary, St. Kitts Ministry of Tourism, Dianille Taylor-Williams – Assistant Secretary, St. Kitts Ministry of Tourism, Tricia Greaux – Marine Management Areas and Habitat Monitoring Officer, Department of Marine Resources (DMR), St. Kitts.

Tourism Resiliency through Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigationstrengthening resiliency through adaptation and mitigation strategies that buffer tourism industries from environment catastrophes.

Speakers on this session were: Dr. Ulric Trotz – Deputy Director, Caribbean Community Climate Change Center (CCCCC), Dr. Halla Sahely – Environmental Consultant/Representative, Caribbean Water & Wastewater Association, Angela Burnett – Environment Officer (Climate Change) Ministry of Natural Resources and Labour Government of the British Virgin Islands, Danker Kolijn – Coastal Engineer – CBCL Limited, Clive Bacchus – General Manager/Editor in Chief, West Indies News Network

Leading The Way – CTO in Actionholding fast to their vision to position the Caribbean as the most desirable, year round, warm weather destination.

Speakers on this session were: Hugh Riley – CEO & Secretary General, Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO), Dr. Peter Schuhmann – Professor of Economics, University of North Carolina at Washington

Climate Change as an Opportunitydiscovering solutions that help businesses to thrive on the context of future climate conditions in the Caribbean.

Speakers on this session were: John Marcocchio – Regional Project Manager, Caribbean Clean Energy Programme (CARCEP), Dr. Roche Mahon – Social Scientist, Caribbean Institution for Metrology & Hydrology (CIMH), Arno Boersma – Manager, Aruba Centre of Excellence (COE) for the Sustainable Development States (SIDS) Dr. Lisa Indar – Head, Tourism & Health Program Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), Kimberly Carr-Tobias – Research Assistant, Institution for Gender & Development Studies (IGDS) University of the West Indies – Mona Campus

Innovative Models & Best Practices in Sustainable Tourismenhancing working knowledge of sustainability models to maximize new markets opportunities.

Speakers on this session were: Greg Phillip – CEO, Nevis Tourism Authority, Geoff Bolan – CEO, Sustainable Travel International (STI), Ena Harvey – Representative, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) Delegation in Barbados, Buddha Jezu-Maria – Marketing & Communications Executive, Travelife, Meshach Alford – Independent Consultant, Tipping Point Planning Services

Risk management for Sustainable Tourismnetworking with the experts and forge relationships with partners to seek a process of crafting well-defined disaster management protocols.

Speakers on this session were: Dr. Yves Robert Personna – Project manager, Environmental Sustainability Unit (ESU), Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), Gina Sanguinetti – Communications Programme Director, Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF), Amanda Charles – Sustainable Tourism Specialist, CTO

Moving Tourism Development Beyond National Bordersexperiencing St. Kitts with field visits to provide a platform for destination’s showcase.

Speakers on this session were: Gregory McKenzie – Televising Presenter and Reporter, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), United Kingdom, Michael McKenzie – Arts & Entertainment Producer, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), United Kingdom

The CTO was honoured to partner with St. Kitts & Nevis to host this forum, which will explore various facets of sustainable tourism, in view of the threats and opportunities for regional tourism development, as a result of climate variability and climate change.


Lucianno Eddy, Ashadi Duncan, Tasia Jones, Sasha “Kodi” Edwards, Ahisha Herbert , Locksley Edwards (Marine and Beach Conservation Officers )

Tricia Greaux giving Welcome Remarks at the STF Launch.


Thema Ward and Tricia Greaux prepared the presentation for the Leading the Way Destination St. Kitts

Marine and Beach Conservation Officers with the guest speaker Gregory McKenzie.

Zing dives in with DMR

The November-December copy of the Zing Magazine – the in flight magazine for LIAT The Caribbean Airline is featuring Tricia Greaux, Marine Management Area and Habitat Monitoring Officer at the Department of Marine Resources.

See sneak peeks of the article below;

What is the most rewarding element of your job?

The ability to share my passion for the marine environment with others daily and to be able to serve as the officer with responsibility for MMAs when St.Kitts and Nevis declared the first MMA, the SKN MMA in August 2016.

What do you do on a typical day – if there is such a thing?

Just like the ocean with its unpredictability, my day is often the same. One day I might be in a high school classroom in St Kitts sharing my passion for the marine environment, the next in Korea being trained as a Sustainable Ocean Initiatives Trainer, or in Grenada becoming a certified Marine Protected Areas Manager. I absolutely love the flow of my job.

What do you like to do in your downtime?

As the Creative Director of the Anjolique Dance Company, our dance pieces create awareness of social and environmental issues ( The environment inspires the earrings and hair jewelry that I create, Creative Cultured Creations.  I serve at the Antioch Baptist Church and within my community through the Reach for Recovery SKB Breast Cancer Support Group.

What is your current job title and what exactly does the Department of Marine Resources do?

I am the Marine Management Area (MMA) and Habitat Monitoring Officer at the Department of Marine Resources (DMR) in St. Kitts and Nevis (SKN). The DMR’s vision is “To promote the sustainable use of all living marine resources in all waters of national jurisdiction and areas beyond national jurisdiction of St. Kitts and Nevis.” Using the ecosystem based approach to fisheries management of which you can read more on

ZiNG Caribbean seeks to capture the energy of the Caribbean in a fun, colourful and interesting magazine for the customers of LIAT and people around the world who share our love for this vibrant, beautiful and friendly region. Click this link below to view the ZING EMAG (electronic magazine).



DMR constructs Fish Aggregating Devices

The Department of Marine Resources hosted a Fish Aggregating Device (FAD) construction session done at on January 11 2017. FADs are man-made objects used to attract ocean going pelagic fish such as marlin, tuna and mahi-mahi (dolphin fish). This is a relatively new fishery to the Federation and is being promoted by the Department of Marine Resources in collaboration with the SKN FAD Fisher Group.

The construction session was conducted by DMR through the expertise of the CARIFICO Liaison Officer – Ms Ashadi Duncan, the participants included three (3) FAD fishers namely; Jermon Smith, Roger Ottley and Franklyn Challenger. FAD heads were constructed using buoys /floats and other floating material that would be transported out to specific off shore locations which are then anchored to the ocean floor with concrete blocks. From this workshop there were four (4) heads that were constructed.

These sessions are held to assist fishers interact in team building exercises and also as a means to educate them on different ways to construct these FAD devices. The benefit of this knowledge is directly linked to livelihood development within this fishery.


The Department of Marine Resource is hosting a Trainer of Trainers Diamondback Squid Workshop from 9 – 13 January 2017. With the identification of Diamondback Squid resources in the marine jurisdiction of the Federation, the DMR is seeking to carry out trials to assess the possibility of promoting the utilization of these resources. This workshop is the product of collaborations between the DMR, Department of Fisheries Nevis, as well as local and regional fishers to essentially train persons who will then train other fishers.

“There are five major fisheries: lobster, conch, reef and slope fisheries, small coastal pelagic and large ocean pelagic. Exploring the Diamondback Squid as a fishery can bring added economic benefit to St.Kitts and Nevis and provide food security while having the potential of enhancing the livelihood of fisherfolk. The DMR should work on expanding the market for Diamondback squid so more persons can enjoy it as much as I do”, added Workshop facilitator, Mitchell Lay, a fisher of Diamondback Squid in the Antigua.

The Trainer of Trainers Diamondback Squid Workshop has the following objectives:

  • Promote awareness of the availability of Diamondback Squid fisheries resources in St. Kitts and Nevis
  • Train fishers in the production of fishin    g gear for catching Diamondback Squid
  • Demonstrate the technique to catch Diamondback Squid
  • Train fishers in processing and packaging Diamondback Squid
  • Demonstrate the use of gear and equipment for catching Diamondback Squid suitable for small fishing vessels

Workshop activities include an initial gear and equipment assessment.  Aboard MV Transformation, an assessment of potential fishing grounds was done on Tuesday morning.  On site at the DMR, there were demonstrations of different gear types, gear making and a presentation of the squid life cycle, sustainability and fishing.  Experimental fishing trips will be done throughout the week to test the gear. On Friday, Diamondback Squid processing and value added activities and presentations would be completed.


Facilitator Mitchell Lay and Clive Wilkinson – preparing the gear

Fisheries Officer – Kharim Saddler

Fisheries Officer Kareem Wilkin assisting Kharim Saddler with set up

Squid gear and equipment

Participants from Department of Marine Resources and Department of Fisheries Nevis

Declaration of St. Kitts Nevis Marine Management Area

Declaration of the St. Kitts & Nevis Marine Management Area (MMA)

On August 18th 2016, the Honorable Eugene Hamilton approved on behalf of the Government of the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis the declaration of the St. Kitts and Nevis Marine Management Area as defined by the two (2) miles radius of sea water around the St. Kitts and Nevis’ coastline including the Monkey Shoals area to be managed by the Department of Marine Resources as the entity with jurisdiction of the Federal Waters of St. Kitts and Nevis as indicated in the Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Resources Act (FAMRA) 2016.

This St. Kitts and Nevis Marine Management Area has been proposed since the late 1980’s. Substantial work was completed in the 2010 Marine Zoning Plan for St. Kitts and Nevis after extensive multi-sectoral consultations to define the marine area to be managed and the zones within the area. However, the Fisheries Legislation at the time was inadequate to adequately manage the St. Kitts and Nevis Marine Management Area.

Since then several consultations and efforts have been geared towards increasing the awareness and importance of this proposed area. With the newly passed FAMRA 2016, there is now legislation that supports for proper management and governance of such an area.

The Government of St. Kitts and Nevis is thankful to the fisherfolk, government officials, Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, the Eastern Caribbean Marine Management Areas Network and other stakeholders for their invaluable assistance during the process of establishing the SKNMMA.




Ross University bolsters Fishing Technology in St. Kitts-Nevis

BASSETERRE, St. Kitts, July 27, 2016 – In a brief ceremony at the Department of Marine Resources (DMR), Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine (RUSVM) handed over Fish Aggregating Device (FAD) equipment to the DMR and St. Kitts-Nevis FAD Fishers Association. The equipment received included robust GPS Tracking Devices and Solar Powered Strobe Lights to enhance the way the fishers are able to locate and access the FADs.

Speaking on behalf of The Department of Marine Resources, St. Kitts-Nevis (DMRSKN) Mr. Kharim Saddler affirmed that in a technological age RUSVM’s contribution is immensely appreciated and will be effective in improving the efficiency of FAD fishing in the Federation. He thanked RUSVM for timely support in providing requisite supplies which he commented will improve FAD Fishery Management Technology in the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. IMG_1200


Dr. Guy St. Jean, RUSVM Interim Dean in response remarks, stated; RUSVM is committed to a One Health approach aimed at sustainable food production in the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. We are happy to support initiatives that impact economic growth, health, food security, sustainable livelihoods, and the development and use of technology in the country. Where food security is concerned, everyone is a stakeholder.”


RUSVM has pledged long-term support to marine-based environmental projects in the Federation. Students, faculty and staff have participated in various research and practical projects that has contributed to the improvement of marine life, biodiversity, and food security in St. Kitts and Nevis




Creative Murals promote Awareness

The Department of Marine Resources has embarked on a number of projects to raise the level of awareness for Kittitians and Nevisians of marine life and the importance of the sustainable use of marine resources for 2016.  The marine inspired dumpster project is one of the marquee projects that is expected to visually stimulate the populace.

The Department commissioned Nevisian artist Mr Vaughn Anslyn to conceptualize and execute the project.  The results are as follows:


Before: Outline for the mural

Before: Image Outline

Nevisian artist Vaughn Anslyn working on his masterpiece

Nevisian artist Vaughn Anslyn working on the masterpiece.


Finished Visual on the dumpsters

Finished visual on one of the dumpsters



This is who we are

Marine Life Dumpster in Day time


The murals feature various types of marine life that can be found in the proposed Narrows Marine Management Area including; Hawksbill Sea turtle, Angel fish, sea grass bed, corals, sea sponges and a sea fan.  The mural project was funded by CamPAM Small Grants with the Department of Marine Resources as the National Implementing Entity (NIE).  CamPAM seeks to support to the management of marine space within the region. Establishing Marine Management Areas (MMA) or Marine Protected Areas (MPA) is used as a regional tool to improve marine management, conserve marine biodiversity, address over fishing impacts, decrease user conflicts, and provide economic alternatives to local coastal communities. This has resulted in substantial knowledge gained on optimal site selection and design, successful outreach approaches, effective management strategies, and appropriate methods to evaluate their effectiveness.  The Department of Marine Resources is presently embarking on establishing a two-mile radius St.Kitts and Nevis MMA .

The marine-inspired dumpsters will be placed at various fish landing sites throughout St. Kitts and Nevis.

SKN Coral Reef Report Card Launch

On June 8th, as the world celebrates World Ocean’s Day, six Eastern Caribbean countries mark their commitment to preserving the region’s extraordinary marine ecosystems by launching the first Eastern Caribbean coral reef report cards.



The Nature Conservancy combined existing data, collected by regional and international scientists, to create individual report cards for six countries. The report cards not only provide information on reefs, but also assess mangrove and seagrass habitats, as well as management strategies to improve these ecosystems. They are a concise, visual and easy-to-understand tool designed to be accessible for audiences from students up to the policy level. The six countries include Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.  Each report card was created in collaboration with local stakeholders including government partners, and non-governmental organizations.


The report cards were funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety as part of the Climate-Resilient Eastern Caribbean Marine Managed Areas Network (ECMMAN) project, which aims to build a regional network of marine managed areas.

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“Report cards are an effective communication tool to consistently track reef health; show the ability of fully protected areas to support more fish; and raise awareness on the importance of protecting coral reefs” said Patricia Kramer, a coral reef ecologist, who led the data synthesis and development of the ECMMAN Report Cards.


All of the data and report card scores are also available at, an online mapping tool where users can surf through data and create maps based on their interests. This allows researchers and scientists to access and share data across the region.


Locally, The Department of Marine Resources (DMR) and the Nevis Historical and Conservation Society celebrated World Ocean’s Day with a media launch of the St.Kitts and Nevis Coral Reef Report Card.  This media launch was held at Fisherman’s Wharf- an ocean themed restaurant that hovers above the Caribbean Sea. The event was chaired by Tricia Greaux, Marine Management Areas and Habitat Monitoring Officer, who opened with the World Ocean’s Day theme for 2015 – 2016, Healthy Oceans, Healthy Planet. The ECMMAN Project overview and Caribnote updates were given by Danielle Moore ECMMAN Outreach Officer.

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Opening Remarks from Natasha Daniel Assistant Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Marine Resources, and Cooperatives stressed “The Federal Government of St.Kitts and Nevis has given our support and will ensure the marine area surrounding our twin island federation is properly managed for the benefit of all our citizens, residents and visitors.  Hence, it is incumbent on our government to ensure the requisite systems of management and protection are fully established to provide and maintain the livelihoods of our citizens and the sustainability of the resources present in this area. Again, this document is critical to this process. “The vote of thanks was done by Marcia Stubbs, ECMMAN Education and Compliance Officer.

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Stakeholders and members of the press were presented with a video explanation of the SKN Coral Reef Report Card. This would be uploaded on some of the DMR’s social media platforms;,,  and on DMRSKN. Paraphernalia were distributed promoting the awareness of the proposed Narrows Marine Management Area (the channel between St.Kitts and Nevis). Data monitoring teams from each country will continue to fill gaps in data and update information in future versions of the report card.

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Take a look at our Report Card:




Department of Marine Resources (DMR) launches its new website!


Department of Marine Resources (DMR) launches new website and social media page.

The Department of Marine Resources (DMR) welcomes 2016 with exciting new ventures: diving into the mobile, web and social media revolution.

DMR has launched a responsive website and social media page via Facebook in an effort to connect with a wider audience. Director of DMR, Mr. Marc Williams stated “The new website provides a platform that allows us to inform interested individuals of our vision: to promote the sustainable use of all living marine resources in all waters of national jurisdiction and areas beyond the national jurisdiction of Saint Kitts and Nevis as well as projects undertaken by the Department of Marine Resources.”

The addition of our social media presence creates an avenue for interested persons to stay up to date with the plethora projects launched by the DMR.

Tricia Greaux, Marine Management Area and Habitat Monitoring Officer, DMR, is extremely excited “We would like persons to get a feel of our marine environment and change the attitude of fear of the ocean; we have used vivid visual and audio content (pictures, videos) on the website to help to enlighten the public”.

Caribbean Aqua-Terrestrial Solutions (CATS) Component 2 has funded the website which was developed and designed by local digital marketing company, Caribbean Commerce Ltd.

TAKE THE PLUNGE INTO DMR’s website and COME SEE THE SEA with us by liking our Facebook page