
Disaster Risk Reduction for Agriculture

Sub regional training on Agriculture Post-Disaster Needs Assessment and Monitoring of the Sendai framework and Sustainable Development Goals from 18th -21st June 2018 in Dominica facilitated by the Food Agriculture Organization (FAO). Representatives from and St. Kitts and Nevis were present Yakima Daniel- Agricultural Planner, Policy and Planning Unit and Tricia Greaux- MMA and Habitat Monitoring Officer, Department of Marine Resources. There were also representatives from other countries like Jamaica, and Antigua and Barbuda.

Opening ceremony was chaired by Mr Ricky Brumont- Director of Agriculture with remarks given by Mr. Ryan Anselm- FAO Project Coordinator, Mr. Daniele Barelli- FAO Sub Regional Emergency Focal Point and Disaster Risk Management, Dr. Reginald Thomas – Permanent Secretary Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Dominica.

Day one focused on the introduction of the training, methodology and process with presentations ranging from Disaster Risk Reduction, Disaster Risk Management and Damage and Loss methodology. Day two comprised of a step by step breakdown of Agricultural damage and loss needs assessment methodology. A methodology simulation exercise that was started during day two continued into day three and the culmination of the workshop zoned in on the Sendai Framework.

Expected outcomes include improving the data collection that would affect policy planning and development within the agricultural sector as well as the marine environment including the St. Kitts and Nevis Marine Management Area (SKN MMA).  These strengthen the national goal of improving food security in St. Kitts and Nevis.

Certificate presented to Yakima Daniel- Agricultural Planner, Policy and Planning Unit

Certificate presented to Tricia Greaux- MMA and Habitat Monitoring Officer, Department of Marine Resources

SKN to Beat Marine Litter and Micro Plastics Pollution

The first meeting of the Ad hoc Open-ended Expert Group on Marine Litter and Micro plastics established by the United Nations Environment Assembly of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Nairobi, Kenya was conducted from Tuesday 29th – Thursday 31st May 2018. The representative from St. Kitts and Nevis was Tricia Greaux, MMA and Habitat Monitoring Officer -Department of Marine Resources.

Tuesday 29 May, the Permanent Mission of Mexico to UNEP currently chairs the Group of Latin America and the Caribbean (GRULAC) also met to determine which country would serve as the representative of the GRULAC. Columbia received an overwhelming vote to be selected as the Co-Chair of the Ad hoc Open-ended Expert Group on Marine Litter and Micro plastics.

The #BeatPlasticPollution campaign that was also promoted during the conference. Delegates were encouraged to use their social media platforms, personal and professional, to promote the message of reducing single use plastic.

The delegate would lend her expertise to the organizing of the 2nd annual St. Kitts and Nevis Plastic Free July month of activities to further spread the message #BeatPlasticPollution on a national level.

Exert from the position paper presented from St. Kitts and Nevis’ delegate

St. Kitts and Nevis should be described as a large oceanic state as its marine space exceeds the land mass by a significant acreage. Therefore, pollutants within the marine environment are of dire concern to the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis.
As the Officer responsible for Marine Management Area and Habitat Monitoring, I have observed a number of major barriers to combating marine litter and micro plastics include the lack of access to recycling plants on a national, regional or international level and the need for a national level ban on plastic with an effective transition and implementation process that will ensure nationwide buy in and compliance. Also the lack of proper legislation, regulations, policies and enforcement of issues surrounding marine litter and micro plastics as well as high tariffs on imported sustainable alternatives to plastics. There is also a noted lack of awareness of what marine litter and micro plastics are and the effects of their presence within the seas and oceans.